We are located at industrial area De Vossenberg in Tilburg. It is a gray building.
Take exit Tilburg / Goirle. At the bottom of the exit, you will sort to the right. You now enter the N261.
Follow the N261 until you approach a roundabout. Here you take the third exit towards industrial zone 0 - 4000. You are now on the Rueckertbaan.
After about 300 meters you approach a traffic light. Turn right and keep industrial area 0 - 4000. You are now on the Dongenseweg.
Follow this road until you find Hornbach on your left. Cross the intersection and follow the industrial zone 0 - 2000. Take the first exit on the right.
This is the Pallasstraat that turns into the Aresstraat. Then take the second exit to the left and you will arrive at Brave International B.V.
Follow the A65 which turns into the A58.
Take the Tilburg-Noord exit. At the top of the exit, turn right and continue on the Burgemeester Bechtweg (N261). You pass many intersections and exits.
The Burgemeester Bechtweg will transfer to the Burgemeester Letschertweg in the course of time (after you have passed the exit Kaatsheuvel / Waalwijk).
Then take the second exit on the left (Reeshof 1000 - 2000) and follow the Burgemeester Baron van Voorst to Voorstweg until the first intersection. On the other side of the Crossroad you will now see a Hornbach branch. Turn right here. You are now on the Dongenseweg. Follow industrial area 0 - 1000.
Then take the first exit on the right. This is the Pallasstraat that turns into the Aresstraat. Then take the second exit to the left and you will arrive at Brave International B.V.